Sunday, September 15, 2013

Frightful's Mountain by Jean Craighead George reviewed by Cole

One of my favorite book series is the My Side of the Mountain Series by Jean Craighead George.  In that series, my favorite is Frightful's Mountain.  In this book, Frighful, the peregrine falcon that Sam Gribley trained in the first book is off on her own adventure.  I love books that give you an animal's perspective and that is what you get in this book:  Frightful's view.  Many things happen to Frightful as she tried to make her way back to Sam, where she instinctively thinks she belongs.   I love all of the information about peregrine falcons and birds of prey that I learned from this book.  I cannot tell you my favorite part because it will give things away--read the book to go on a wild adventure!
Written by Cole, 6th grader